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Dhanaulti is a beautiful hill station located in the Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand, India. It is situated at an altitude of 2,286 meters above sea level, making it one of the most picturesque and serene hill stations in the state.

The weather in Dhanaulti is characterized by cool summers and cold winters. The summers are pleasant, with temperatures ranging between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, while the winters are chilly, with temperatures dipping to sub-zero levels. The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to the region, which enhances the beauty of the surroundings.

Dhanaulti is situated at a distance of approximately 29 kilometers from the state capital, Dehradun, and around 303 kilometers from the national capital, New Delhi. This makes it an easily accessible destination for tourists who wish to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a peaceful vacation amidst nature.

The town of Dhanaulti is surrounded by dense forests of Deodar, Oak, and Rhododendron trees, which add to its natural beauty. The town offers a panoramic view of the Himalayas, which is truly breathtaking. The lush green meadows and rolling hills of Dhanaulti provide ample opportunities for trekking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

The town also has a number of tourist attractions that are worth visiting, such as the Eco Park, Surkanda Devi Temple, and Potato Farm. The Eco Park is a beautiful park that offers a wide range of adventure activities such as zip-lining, rock climbing, and trekking. Surkanda Devi Temple is a popular pilgrimage site and is believed to be one of the 51 Shaktipeethas in India. The Potato Farm is a unique attraction where visitors can learn about the cultivation of potatoes and also indulge in some potato-based snacks.

In conclusion, Dhanaulti is a picturesque hill station in Uttarakhand that offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Its proximity to the state capital and national capital makes it easily accessible for tourists. The town's natural beauty, combined with its adventure activities and tourist attractions, makes it an ideal destination for anyone looking for a break from their busy lives.

How to reach

  • By Air: Jolly Grant Airport (in Dehradun). You can take flight from Delhi Airport to Jolly Grant Airport (in Dehradun). After that you can pick either bus or taxi to reach Dhanaulti. Check Direction

  • By Railway: Dehradun Railway Station. You can take train from Delhi railway station to Dehradun railway station. After that you can pick either bus or taxi to reach Dhanaulti. Check Direction

  • By Road: Dhanaulti is well connected by motorable roads with major destinations of Uttarakhand state. Buses and Taxis to New Tehri are easily available from major destinations of Uttarakhand state like Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dehradun.

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