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Dehradun is a charming hill station located in the northern part of India, in the state of Uttarakhand. It is nestled in the foothills of the Shivalik range of the Himalayas, surrounded by lush green forests, rolling hills, and crystal-clear streams.

The average elevation of Dehradun is 650 meter above sea level.

As a hill station, Dehradun offers visitors a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the mountains. The cool mountain air, the breathtaking views, and the serene surroundings make it an ideal destination for anyone looking to unwind and relax.

One of the most appealing aspects of Dehradun as a hill station is its temperate climate. The summers are mild, with temperatures rarely rising above 30 degrees Celsius, while the winters are chilly but not too cold, with temperatures rarely dropping below freezing. This makes it a perfect destination for visitors who want to avoid the extreme temperatures of the plains.

The city is also known for its natural beauty, with several scenic spots and hiking trails to explore. From the tranquil forests of Rajaji National Park to the picturesque Mussoorie Hills, Dehradun offers visitors a chance to connect with nature and experience its awe-inspiring beauty.

Dehradun is also a great place to enjoy outdoor activities such as trekking, camping, and mountain biking. The hills and forests offer plenty of opportunities for adventure enthusiasts to explore and discover new challenges.

In addition to its natural beauty, Dehradun also boasts a rich cultural heritage. The city has a unique blend of traditions and customs, which is reflected in its architecture, food, and festivals. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture by attending traditional events such as the Dehradun Basant Panchami Mela or exploring the ancient temples and ashrams scattered throughout the city.

Overall, Dehradun is a charming hill station that offers visitors a chance to escape the stresses of modern life and experience the natural beauty and rich culture of the Himalayan region.

The weather in Dehradun is largely influenced by its location in the foothills of the Himalayas and is characterized by a subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

The summer season in Dehradun lasts from April to June, and temperatures during this time range from 20°C to 35°C. The weather is generally warm and humid, with occasional thunderstorms and heavy rainfall.

The monsoon season in Dehradun begins in July and lasts until September. During this time, the city experiences heavy rainfall and the temperature drops to an average of 25°C. The humidity levels are high, and the weather can be quite uncomfortable.

The winter season in Dehradun starts from November and lasts until February. The temperatures during this time range from 6°C to 23°C, with occasional frost and fog. The weather is generally dry and cool, making it a popular time to visit the city.

The spring season in Dehradun begins in March, and the weather is pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C. This is an ideal time to visit the city, as the weather is pleasant and there are a lot of outdoor activities to indulge in.

Overall, Dehradun has a pleasant climate throughout the year, and visitors can choose the best time to visit based on their preferences and interests.

The national capital of India, New Delhi, is located approximately 250 kilometers south of Dehradun.

The distance between New Delhi and Dehradun can be covered by various means of transportation. The quickest way to travel between the two cities is by air, with multiple daily flights available from Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi to Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. The flight time is approximately one hour.

Alternatively, one can also travel by train, as there are several daily trains connecting Delhi and Dehradun. The train journey takes around 5-6 hours, depending on the train and its schedule.

Lastly, one can also travel by road, with multiple private and public transport options available, including buses and taxis. The travel time by road can take around 6-7 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

In summary, Dehradun is located approximately 250 kilometers north of the national capital of India, New Delhi, and can be reached by air, train or road.

There are a number of tourist sites in Dehradun

  • Sahastradhara

  • Lacchiwala

  • Robbers Cave

  • Dear Malsi Park

  • Forest Research Institute

  • Asan Barrage

  • Khalanga War Memorial

How to reach

  • By Air: Jolly Grant Airport Dehradun. You can take flight from Delhi Airport to Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun district). Check Direction

  • By Railway: Dehradun Railway Station. You can take train from Delhi railway station to Dehradun railway station. Check Direction

  • By Road: Dehradun ISBT. Check Direction

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