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Khirsu is a charming hill station located in the Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand, India. Situated at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level, the town is known for its breathtaking views of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks. The tranquil surroundings and pleasant climate make Khirsu a popular destination for tourists seeking a peaceful getaway.

The weather in Khirsu is typical of a hill station, with cool temperatures throughout the year. During the summer months, temperatures range between 10-25 degrees Celsius, while in the winter months, they can drop to as low as -5 degrees Celsius. The monsoon season lasts from July to September, and during this time, the town receives moderate to heavy rainfall.

Khirsu is located approximately 150 kilometers from the state capital of Dehradun and around 381 kilometers from the national capital of Delhi. The journey from Delhi to Khirsu takes approximately 10-11 hours by road, while the journey from Dehradun takes approximately 6-7 hours.

One of the main attractions in Khirsu is the stunning view of the Himalayas. Visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the snow-capped peaks of Nanda Devi, Trishul, Chaukhamba, and Kamet from the town. The nearby apple orchards and terraced fields also add to the scenic beauty of the place.

Khirsu is also known for its religious significance. The town is home to several ancient temples, including Ghandiyal Devta Temple, Kandoliya Temple, and Tarkeshwar Mahadev Temple. Visitors can explore these temples and experience the spiritual vibe of the place.

Another popular attraction in Khirsu is the Khirsu Village itself. The village is known for its warm hospitality and traditional way of life. Visitors can interact with the locals, learn about their customs and traditions, and enjoy a peaceful stay in one of the village homestays.

Khirsu is also an ideal destination for trekking enthusiasts. The town is surrounded by lush green forests and offers several trekking routes, including the Khirsu-Pauri trek and the Khirsu-Kanakchauri trek.

In conclusion, Khirsu is a beautiful hill station located in the Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. Its stunning views of the Himalayas, tranquil surroundings, and pleasant weather make it an ideal destination for tourists seeking a peaceful getaway. Whether you're looking to explore ancient temples, enjoy nature walks, or simply relax in the lap of nature, Khirsu has something to offer everyone.

How to reach

  • By Air: Jolly Grant Airport (in Dehradun). You can take flight from Delhi Airport to Jolly Grant Airport (in Dehradun). After that you can pick either bus or taxi to reach Khirsu. Check Direction

  • By Railway: Rishikesh Railway Station. You can take train from Delhi railway station to Rishikesh railway station(District Dehradun). After that you can pick either bus or taxi to reach Khirsu. Check Direction

  • By Road: Khirsu is well connected by motorable roads with major destinations of Uttarakhand state. Buses and Taxis to Khirsu are easily available from major destinations of Uttarakhand state like Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dehradun.

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